I grew up in a small neighborhood in St. Ann Jamaica
with my mom and step dad, I am the youngest of six children, Thou born in the Bahamas I didn't know anything about the
Bahamas or any of my family in the Bahamas. My mom was never close to me and I dear not ask about my fathers side of the family...:
My mother and stepfather had owned business and so they were both gone most of the time, which also I was home
alonemost ofthe time.
At an early age I came to realize I had the gift
of dreaming and interpreting dreams, and so by the time I began to share my dreams with others, I would find out that it would
be very fascinated to not just them but to me also.
I gave my life to Christ and got baptize in a Church
of Christ we attended at age 13, , shortly after my baptism I went off to boarding school. It was there that I met persons
who would later introduce me to the occult lifestyle. I began to read Tarot cards and started to dabbling in everything that
represented the occult.
The moment I said yes was the moment I had opened
my spirit to everything the devil had to offer…. after 6 months after mastering astral projection, I met what is called
a spirit guides, who taught me almost everything I needed to know about the occult world. BY the time I was 15, I was so advanced
I had my own clients I educated myself in basically all the religion that practiced magic and how they did it, I was also
deeply involved in astral projection, Automatic writing, third eye meditations. Enochian magic (angel magic), candle magic
and spells, I was also involved in Tarot card reading.
I was able to work on my own and also had people
of all age group consulting me.Of course things had began to change with me, not just spiritually but as a person and so my
mother, had suspected drugs and that maybe I was addicted to some form of drugs or maybe selling drugs, since she
often heard people came to me all the time. The selling of drugs or the taking of drugs was far from the truth, but at the
time, I didn't really care because my love for everyone including her had gone, it was all gone to the area's of the things
I had then made my god .
At the age of 16 My mom brought me back to the Bahamas,
I did keep up with my excise and mediations. There were time I wasn't able to do much practice. But I would do a lot of channeling
, telepathy astral projection and meditations When I started to practice and gained clients I started to do that almost as
a living, and before I knew it it was my life. I started to do a wide rage of Tarot card reading, and spiritual cleaning for
people and their homes, I also did a other spells . I was hired along with a few friends that I had trained to read cards,
to come and read tarot cards at functions that were done here in the Bahamas for AT&T Bellsouth, and Chase Manhattan .
I was a member of a great Church and I was also active in the church, but my biggest problem was I wanted both of each world,
I secretly was serving Satan and pretending to be serving God, The Bible tells us in Matthew Verse 6: 24 it says "No one can
serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon. . I have proven that scripture to be true, over and over again, because, back then ,even
thou I thought I had love the Lord, the only love I really had was that of the occult.
However in early 2007, after doing one of the biggest
reading I have ever done in my life for AT&T, I came home and didn't want to talk about my night, and neither did I want
to read for anyone for the rest of the week, I just felt tired. Spirituality, Physical and mentally tired. And for the first
time in my life I didn't want to do any of what I was doing anymore . There was a strong conviction going on within me, one
that no one who knew that side of me would have understood, and so I had turned to someone for help, who would later send
me to a Lady Rev. who said she would help me pull through what I was going through, but instead of helping me she wanted me
to help her out with magical spells and witchcraft because of some situations and problems she was having of her own, When
I wouldn't she insisted that I teach her what I knew so she could at least help herself .She had so much ungodly things going
on with her it was too much I had to expose her.
I was disappointed, but I was not about to give up
the fact that I wanted to change and wanted to have God as part of my life. I began to pray and cry out to God for help, asking
him to have mercy on me to help me out, help me with a job so I would have less spare time or no time to do what I was doing.
Shortly after God allowed me to mysteriously find the Mattie Nottage Ministries.
Yes I was a member of another church and it was not
that my church was not preaching the word to me, or it was not that they agreed on what I was doing, because the few who knew
my lifestyle would encourage me all the time to stop, and to turn to Christ, however for me I was not ready and I knew because
I had found so much comfort in the church I was a member, I knew I had to step out in order to get help. , while waiting to
meet with Prophetess Mattie, I got a Job, paying me the same amount that I was asking God for and the hours were the same
. Even thou I knew I wanted change it was hard to let go of some of the things of the occult right away and when I went to
meet her to talk I wore the Pentagram I have always worn around my neck and I also had other things that represented the occult
in my bag, However that was that day, that very afternoon that my life had began to change and it was there that I made a
commitment with God that I would never look back, once he took me through. Yes I had a lot of ups and downs, I had many
spiritual fights, I had a lot of sleepless night, many attacks from the enemy, everything circumstance that could have risen
up against me did. But I had made up in my mine no matter what the circumstances were I knew and still know that God is on
my side and he would see me through, he is in Control of every situation in my life. He promised me that he would never
leaveme nor forsake me dispite my wromg doings in life .
I have tried it all …I proved, Things
can never guarantee eternal life, financial gain, lust, personal profit, greediness, selfishness, etc. All the things that
we are tempted by the devil with. So we must stand strong and put on the armor of the Lord and never sell our souls to the
devil for temporary satisfaction. The only way you can lose your soul, is by choosing to deny Jesus Christ. How we spend our
time in this life and what we put first is all a matter of priorities. We can put our own desires and wants first, or we can
put God first. It is up to us to choose…. Jesus came to set the captives free. He came to remove sin's chain, so that
we may know comfort, eternal security and peace with God through Him. His sacrifice made on the cross, long ago, was for the
forgiveness of all believers' sins. He came to offer this freedom to every one of us. Some of us will believe and gladly accept
Him, and some of us will not. Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for their sins, and
rose from the dead, can ask God to forgive their sins and to remove their chain. This is the Truth. This is what's known as
the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse
us from all unrighteousness..